Thursday, December 20, 2012

... enjoying LIFE!

The past couple of days I have been running around! Delivering gifts, picking up last minute gifts, buying groceries for baking, baking goodies, trying to keep up on things at home... oh man, it has been busy. And I just saw a stack of Christmas cards that I forgot to get in the mail today.
Today we attended a funeral for a family friend and remarkable man. My heart is close to the Allred family at this time as they mourn the loss of a dear man.
Tomorrow I get to be in both of the boys' classrooms to help with their Christmas parties. I am excited. Then... Christmas break! My kids are in  need of more sleep and some lazy days. I think I probably need more sleep. It is time to take a deep breath and prioritize. I am not going to get it all done. And that is okay. I feel like I really put off Christmas shopping this year and now that is kicking me in the butt. I lost or misplaced my cell phone, ugh! I am wanting to recognize many of the boys' teachers and the support staff at their school. I want to share our  thanks and I want to be there to encourage. So, today and tomorrow I will have an opportunity to do some of that. For this I am grateful! Life is so busy, but it is a good kind of busy!
Now, I am feeling this sweet new gift of life move every day!!! I LOVE feeling the little kicks and punches!! Being pregnant is such a miracle. I am so grateful I get to do this again! In two weeks we could find out what we are having - the 20 week mark. This pregnancy is flying by. We can't decide whether or not we are going to find out. The surprise would be so fun! But knowing is so great too.
Our snow last weekend was such a hit. It is all gone now, but I do have a few more pictures to post...

Willem has a VERY kind heart and he adores his little sister!

This is a really wonderful time of year.


Jessica said...

I am so glad that you have your blog. It brings me comfort that we can stay "connected" after we move across the country. I love you! :)

Leah said...

Merry Christmas, Michele! I love hearing how you're feeling and updates on your kids. Hope you enjoy Christmas break and everyone in the family gets a lot of rest :-)

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...