Friday, November 30, 2012

Feeling festive

Tomorrow is December 1st! Wow! This has been a fun
week of decorating and trying to get organized. (an ongoing struggle in my world,
the organizational part that is)

These little beauties were pinterest inspired.
Oh and I repositioned some of my little branches... safety first.

John 14:27

I love this verse. Such a good reminder to give troubles and fears to God and
to soak up the peace He so freely gives.

We are having fun decorating for Christmas.
Willem is a huge help in this department. I love
decorating with him!

My kids have had doctor appts again this week. Merit's excema is really flaring up.
I sometimes get carried away... I was going a little crazy with all the antibacterial soaps after Hazel had a skin infection, only to find I am drying everybody out. I got good info from a dermatologist this week and from our family doctor. Advice and recommendations very different from eachother, so now it is time for me to sort of determine what is best. Just hoping and praying everyone stays strong and is feeling great soon.

Vance has enjoyed working in his shop A LOT. In fact, I never see him anymore. No, I'm kidding. What is great is that we have a really fun loft in the shop with a table and chairs, a dart board, room for me to work on a craft project. So it seems our whole family is enjoying time in the new shop. The kids have even talked about bringing airbeds up there and having a camp out.

Today Hazel and I will volunteer at the boys' school. These days are busy, but great too.

More soon! I am excited to get to friends' blogs this weekend. I have determined I like blogging so much better than facebook. My husband is not a fan at all of facebook... so, it might just be better to stay connected through the world of blogging.
And I can't forget how sweet a hand written letter is! A lost art. Might be nice to write a few friends and family members too. :)
Have a wonderful weekend!


Katie said...

Oh I love what you did! so cute and like you, I so enjoy decorating for Christmas too. Always a bit sad when I take everything down in January...always feels so empty and bare.

Looking forward to getting together soon!

Tami said...

It's great to see someone actually doing something from Pinterest! It looks very pretty.

One of my favorite Christmas decor stores is on your side of the mountains. Do you ever get to Barb's in Quincy?

Enjoy the season and enjoy having Wilem help you. Good family times!

Debra said...

Oh...Michele, I love the mason jar idea. As I read your blog I picture you all warm & cozy in your home with Christmas in it! I'll bet the shop will have Christmas in it too! I'm hoping to get some decoreating going this week. I love that verse John 14:27.

Anonymous said...

I just love those jar candles!!

So sorry to hear about Merit's eczema. I have a lot of patients who have that and it just looks so itchy and miserable. I hope he's feeling better!

Bryan doesn't care for Facebook either. I like it. It's a great way to stay in touch with family especially the teenagers. I do miss phone calls and written letters. Those seem so obsolete now.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...