Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pumpkins, Peaches, Pictures, Priceless Memories, Prayer

 Nellie loved the insides of the pumpkin!
Merit and Willem enjoyed the roasted seeds!

It isn't even October and we have already carved two pumpkins and roasted all of the seeds! :)

I have had peaches in the crockpot for the past 48 hours. Right now peach sauce is in the making. A sauce for pancakes, scones, angel food cake...
Last night was curriculum night at the boys' school. I really enjoyed learning about what they are studying and about the goals they are trying to reach. I love listening to Willem read. His decoding is improving each week. Also, his fluency is improving. Now, I need to hit my bookshelves for appropriate reading material for him. Merit still loves sports books and Sports Illustrated for Kids.
On Tuesday mornings, I am in a Bible Study where we are studying the moms of the Bible. This study is so great. I love digging deeper into the Bible and taking a close look at these women; their struggles, blessings and journeys. I also appreciate the time to pray with this group and for this group.
I feel like this past year has been such a year of growth.
I have also been praying over so many situations. Prayers of thanksgiving and prayers of healing. I have prayed a lot for my sister Natasha. I KNOW that worry and fear do not come from God. We need to trust and HOPE. I want to take the time to pray for friends and family.
I love some of the memories we are making right now. Hazel is a kick in the pants. We all giggle at her and with her. :) I LOVE to hear Willem talk about school! I love how Merit is growing and maturing.

The shop is coming together! It is fun to see Vance's anticipation and excitement regarding this. We are considering doing a little deck off of the loft. The kids already love to run around in there! Tonight Merit and I had a few card games in the shop. The concrete for the floor will be poured Friday.


Daylight said...

I love your dog! What cute pics!!

Anonymous said...

I have yet to try roasted pumpkin seeds! Your bible study sounds really interesting. I miss the days that I was in bible study.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...