Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A full weekend of making memories with family

Whew! A Lynden trip with a birthday party for Vance's Grandma Jule and my Grandma Alma, a family dinner at the Jansen Art Center, a Grand Opening at the Jansen Art Center, Vance's company picnic and a lot of kid fun! I still didn't get to see everyone I wanted to see! But seeing probably 80 out of the 120 family members I had hoped to see isn't bad!

 Papa Stan and Grandma Adie with the grandkids!

These 4! All nine year olds! Lots of pool fun.

Beautiful Isabel

Hazel enjoying Papa and Grandma's garden

Lucy and Willem

These two were sooo tuckered out at the Art Center after a fun filled day in the heat! They both fell asleep!

Jansen Art Center Grand Opening!
Cary working in the heat!

Eyvonne, Brad and their sweet grandson

Emily and Willem
Celebrating Grandma Alma's birthday at Lesha and Rob's.

This has been a BUSY summer, with lots of fun!!
We will make another trip to Lynden to try to see some of those we missed.

To be honest, I am ready for about two days of nothing. Just relaxing... no loading up in the car, no running from place to place... Maybe next summer! :)

Today Vance and I celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary to a great guy! I am so thankful for these years together and I hope we get MANY MORE!


Leah said...

Happy Anniversary! And beautiful pictures, they are really gorgeous. The kids and I are having a very lazy day of doing nothing at our house today. Much needed! I hope you get your day soon :)

Lesha said...

It was so great to see you! beautiful pictures.

Debra said...

Happy Anniversary to the both of you! Its always fun looking at your pictures...

Katie said...

Loved seeing pictures from your trip! So glad you had a fun-filled-packed time with family and friends :) Happy Anniversary too!!!

Let's get together again before school starts! It seems its just right around the corner.

kelly said...

Happy 14 Years Vance & Michele!!! Love seeing your summer photos. Hazel is growing so big <3

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Looks like you guys had a great time!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...