Tuesday, May 1, 2012

enjoying life

Life has some funny moments lately.
And boy do I love these moments.
I am so thankful to God for these sweet moments of enjoying life.
I have found myself lately listening to my boys' tell a story that I find to be very funny but
it seems like it would not be appropriate to laugh. In my mind, I think I HAVE to write this down and 90% of the time I forget.
Merit's Daily Oral Language paper shouldn't probably be that funny. But, it sometimes is.

I have to share a bit:

It can be very uncomfortable to be "in the middle" of a disagreement.
Write about a time this happened to you. Remember not to put anyone else in this position.
Merit's response:
Fiction: It was when a hobo and a nother hobo were arguing about whose underwhere they had on.

That is a silly scenario I think... and creative too. I like how he wrote another: a nother and I guess underwear/underwhere might be one of our summer spelling words.

Here is another part of the assignment:
When have you asked for help to solve an argument or problem? Whom did you ask? Make a list of who you asked and why you asked each person.

Mom --------------- because she is nice
Dad-------------------------------because he is helpful
Uncle ----------------------------because he is fun and careful
Aunt----------------------------------------  because she solves lots of problems
Grandma ----------------------------------because she has had that problem

I am not sure which uncle is the fun,careful one... I would say Nate, but the kids haven't seen him in close to a year. He was probably writing about Matt. Fun would be a word I would use to describe Matt, but maybe not careful. (Just kidding Matt)
The Aunt is Lesha, for sure. I know this because last summer at Hovander Park Merit was sharing with her that he was having a tough time getting to sleep at night and was worried about different things. She took the time to really hear him out  and she suggested he try Sleepy Time Tea. ;) Later that weekend
 she gave him some sleepy time tea. He said it worked like a charm. That conversation and the advice and care she gave I am pretty sure he will never forget. I love that.
The grandma part is cute too.

We have been having a lot of baseball fun lately!
The baseball parade and opening ceremonies were Saturday. It was really fun.
This coming weekend will be PACKED with baseball!

The Reds!

I am making cards to be auctioned off Sunday at church to raise
money for a youth mission trip. Finding time to make cards has been a bit of a challenge, but
it sure is fun when I dive in.

Life has some very heart warming moments too. ;)
Willem made this for me a few days back.
He said "You mom, have a golden heart."
He is so good to me!

Will's new scooter!! He loves riding it around at Merit's games and practices.

Yesterday was my mom's birthday. She would have been 57.
I thought of her 200 times yesterday.
I put an exfoliating mask on my face yesterday morning.
This totally made me think of her.
My mom had a better skin care routine than I do. And as of just lately, I have decided to be more
proactive. I remember her doing chores around the house with a mask on! Jafra was her line.
I have been planting some flowers and lettuce which also makes me think of her.
Laughing with my kids totally makes me think of my mom!
She loved to laugh with us and took a real interest in our lives.

ohhhh and I have been doing lots of photography... check out my Hazel Jane link


Leah said...

I love this post, Michele! Spring has already brought you so many wonderful things, and I'm sure there are many more in store. I love the visual of your mom doing chores around the house with a mask on!

Debra said...

I love how you share your memories of your mom... She sounds a lot like how Mike's mom was a woman of GOD & loved her children. He too has lots of good memories of his mom. He was 28 when she went to be with Jesus.

I love what Merit shared for his paper. It was cute! I love the hobo & the a nother too.

Willem looks like he's so proud of his scooter.

I miss watching the kids of friends & family play baseball. I always liked baseball season, probably cuz of the weather.

Natasha said...

Lesha's advice is good, I can just picture her listening and giving Merit her input! There are so many things that remind me of mom too! I love that we have so many great memories. I need an better skin care routine as well, maybe then I will look as good as mom did when she was 45!! Willem's "willemisms" are priceless by the way!!!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...