Sunday, January 15, 2012

Case, Raising Kids, Shopping for Bargains, Winter Walks

I have thought of my sweet nephew Case a lot this week. January 12th was the date he left this earth to go to heaven. I hurt for my sister and her family. God's plans and purposes sometime boggle my mind, especially lately. But I do choose to trust in him. Natasha shares deeply and beautifully from her heart what she is feeling on her blog. Please pray for those who have lost loved ones. There is an emptiness and ache that only prayer can lighten.

Natasha, Reese, Lane and Case

The boys are having fun in school and learning lots, but they are both excited to have tomorrow off. Hazel is entertaining us to no end. I am so thankful for her fun personality. She says some of the cutest things and does some funny things. She is curious, not the best sleeper and keeps me on my toes... this girl is a lot of work and a lot of fun.

Two nights ago Hazel was up from about 12:30 till 3:30, not crying, not upset, just sleepless. When 7 a.m. rolled around I was so tired! I was not ready to face the day. Thankfully, Merit and Willem were incredibly responsible! I made Vance breakfast, he left for work, I got cereal set out for the boys, set their homework out and went back to bed. They handled the rest. Merit got all ready, helped Will get ready... I was so proud of them. Hazel and I got about another hour of sleep. These boys are very responsible and I am so thankful for that.

Sweet little girl and me!

Friday I needed to get a tire worked on so while our car was in the shop, Hazel and I walked to the Senior Center for some thrift store fun. It was 30 degrees and crisp. I was soaking in that crisp, cool air. I don't know why I don't do winter walks more often, I always feel so much better after I do.

So, Hazel and I got a bag of books for $1. Lots of chapter books for Merit and a few picture books. I also found this crate...

Also some old dishes... Heritage Hall China
No chips, great condition... I am planning to maybe consign these

About an hour ago, I decided to go for a walk. The lighting is so nice today. I
got this picture of our cozy cabin on my iphone... man I love that little place.

I have a goal! I am going to try to blog seven times in seven days!
I am actually sort of losing interest in my blog, but I feel like I have lots of fun pictures to share.
And I really don't want to lose interest in it. It is fun to document our happenings here and I know
I enjoy other peoples blogs, so often I am inspired by them.

With that, I am off...
See you tomorrow if you care to check back! :)

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Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...