Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tadpoles, consignment store, my three sweeties, indoor projects

Watching this little boy (our sweet Willem) catch tadpoles in this fresh water
 puddle/stream in front of our home is a blast. I LOVE watching my boys catch tadpoles!
We are moving them to a large container with some of their natural habitat and we can't wait
to watch them GROW!

These brothers are good friends.
We love it.
Merit and Will, June '11

These three WARM MY HEART.

We have a very cool new consignment store in Moses Lake!!
Red Door Consignment!
It is located acrossed from Frontier.
The above picture was taken in this new store. These items are for sale.

ohhhh, I am trying to reclaim Vance and my bedroom. Spare socks, unfolded laundry and a heap of throw pillows has sort of taken over the room. This shabby chic Better Homes and Gardens bedroom inspires me.

My sis Lesha has a really cute
Etsy shop~
 Head to Etsy and then, Lesha625 will get you there.
She sent me this key art!

Natasha made this ruffle pillow for me! Beautiful!

YAY! It is clean and picked up... for today.
Vance's grandpa made the vanity piece! I love it.
Vance's mom passed it down to us several years ago.

Willem drew a picture of me and wanted it displayed above the tree above
my bed. So that is what that little note hanging there is! Makes me smile.


Natasha said...

Catching tadpoles sounds like great fun...I wonder if my little city boy even knows what a tadpole is? I love the bedroom inspiration, I have mine all "put together" and there is still laundry all over the place!

kelly said...

Michele I love your bedroom inspiration! Someday I will win the battle with my clutter. And that dresser is so beautiful! That is such an amazing thing that Vance's Grandfather made! I have a couple of the key frames Lesha made in my bedroom and I think I'm even going to hang the letter sign she painted over our bed, can't wait to show you!

Anonymous said...

Catching tadpoles then watching them grow sounds like so much fun!

I can't ever seem to keep our bedroom straightened up. Maybe I need to find some inspiration as well!

Lindy said...

Funny, I have that bedroom circled in the same magazine...at least it looks alot like that. I LOVE shabby chic. You would probably also love the old doors as headboards style...I can't wait to make one of those...it's on my to do list, someday, someday, that and getting my blog up to date! :)