Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Nature Hike With My Camera, Miss M

I am going to add some photos to my Etsy Store.
4x6, 5x7 and 8x10 sizes will be available
4x6s go perfectly on the front of a 5x7 card

ohhhh and last Sunday I was able to
photograph Miss M! I am sharing a few of  the pics here and more will
be on my photography blog.
I enjoyed watching Miss M run and explore! She
is a sweetie.

The kids and I went to the Farmer's Market this morning.
I love a good Farmer's Market!
Vance has the boat in the water right now. The weather
wasn't supposed to be real nice today, but so far so good!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Willem's last day of Happy Hearts is tomorrow. I have loved Happy Hearts for him! A Christian pre-school is such a blessing! Time certainly flies. This guy will be in kindergarten in the fall. I think he is ready, but I am not sure his mama is. He is my buddy during the day, his imagination entertains me!!
Hazel has been getting after our dog, the neighbor's dog and the neighbor's goat. The way she shakes her finger at them and says "no, no" has me giggling. She is my shopper, loving the thrift stores and she gets excited about garden centers too. Lately she has been bringing me her shoes and her vest, trying to tell me "let's go!"
I tried a new recipe for dinner tonight -- I will share this week. It was yummy!
Merit is crazy about baseball and is doing great in school. I am so proud of him. I am proud of the way he conducts himself in baseball. He is kind and a good team player. He typically plays first base and he is a great little hitter.

A few more pics from our time at Cave B.
It was sooo relaxing and wonderful! I keep
thinking of it. It will be wonderful to do it again someday!


Our tree climber, Willem


We are hoping to go to Ketchikan, Alaska this summer. The last time we went I was pregnant with Hazel and the boys were 3 and 6... they are now 5 and 8. I think this vacation will be so fun for our family. And it will be fun to take Hazel for her first time!


Our brave little friend Maddie is on my heart and mind. Her heart surgery went well and her recovery is going well. It is an exhausting time for her and her family though. She is in a lot of pain and at three years old doesn't understand a lot of what is going on with her. She is at Children's Hospital and I think she has some great nurses there. Her mom, dad and Gramma are also showering her with care. They are so thankful for the prayers! Let's keep praying!!

Katie shared this picture on her blog and now I am sharing it with
you. Maddie is needing the mama, a lot I imagine.
What a sweet girl. I pray she can heal quickly and has less pain.
She is a fighter.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Adventures, Garden Starts, our sweet friend Maddie

I like the adventures that Willem suggests.
Crossing the creek is a fun challenge.
I couldn't help but think of my nephew Lane
when we were crossing the creek a couple of weeks ago.

I love it when these wildflowers bloom.

It is so much fun planting our starts...
BUT we have a critter in our garden!
We have the Have a Heart Trap set... we think it may be a rabbit.

Willem, a helpful planter

fragrant beautiful lilacs

This little girl is on my heart and on my mind!
Please pray for Maddie and her family.
She has a big heart surgery (her fontan surgery) scheduled for tomorrow morning.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Update

I am so enjoying the fragrant lilacs in our yard.
Yesterday was a great day!
Hazel spent the morning with Gramma Kris and I went
thrifting with Maria! We found some good buys. Children's books at
one store were 10 cents each! I got some kindergarten readiness books for
Will, picked up a football book for Merit and got some other fun books
for all three of these kids.
Also, I bought an apron for Natasha and one for a blog give away!
Last night I spent the evening out at the Allreds taking their kids pictures.
It was wonderful and visiting with Katie was really good for the soul.

Please be praying for Maddie. She has a big heart
surgery coming up this next week, it is her fontan surgery which
she is scheduled to have Tuesday morning.

If you want to learn more about Maddie and how to pray for their family, her mom's blog
address is:

Maddie and her big brothers

Our baseball kid!! Merit Henry

Merit on the run!!

My little gardener

Willem is always picking flowers for me.
Sweet boy


Warm evenings outside feel so good.

Hazel wearing a buddies hat, cheering on the Red Sox

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cave B

Gorgeous, relaxing... a little slice of heaven!

Pictured above:
the Cliffehouse we stayed in
It was beautiful.

The inside was spacious and relaxing.


We got there Friday afternoon and I was soooo excited.
I don't think this was as much Vance's "cup of tea"
as it was mine, but we both enjoyed our night away.
The restaurant there is delicious. Gourmet for sure,
had we been there with the kids I have NO idea what
they would have eaten.
I would love to go back in a year or so.

The kids did great with Jessica and Vance and
 I came back feeling refreshed.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Viewer Discretion Advised

We LOVE watching Merit play baseball!

Merit is ready for the catch at first base and the runner was OUT!

The Red Sox!!

We have ourselves a sweet little dandelion picker.

These two love to be at baseball AND they enjoy the snacks!!

Okay, so I posted a fun baseball album on facebook. Many
of you know how facebook works, everyone you are friends with can view pictures and comments you post.
A couple of my facebook friends are sweet parents that I just met through baseball! I wanted
to share pictures of the team with them.
Somehow in the middle of my baseball album was a picture of an awkward, nude couple.
I have to put it here.... the embarassment has already happened AND my
sisters thought it was hilarious. Along with Kristen. Making those three laugh might have been worth my dumb mistake.

ohhhhhh If people didn't think I was crazy before they do now.

One day I was googling awkward photos and sharing them with my sis in law Cary, my sisters and
a couple friends... this one got saved in my pic files!

Vance and I get to experience Cave B this weekend!!
Google Cave B, Quincy, WA. It is beautiful!!!
Can't wait to go with my awesome husband.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...