Wednesday, April 20, 2011


spending time outdoors
preparing our garden
soaking up the sunny days

Here's that old $5.99 dresser I bought.
I didn't end up painting it, I just sanded it a little more.
The hanging IKEA frames were also a Bargain.
Can't wait to get some pics of the kids in those.
Oh and now that I look at this picture, the dresser has too much on it
or something. Funny how you can look at something like that and it
looks good, but then you see a picture and realize changes that could be made.



                                                                        Fischer and Willem

oh....... I maybe shouldn't get started on my dryer story!
We bought a new Samsung washer/ dryer set in December.
Two weeks ago our dryer stopped heating. It will fluff dry, but no heat.
It is under warranty and I am having a heck of a time getting Samsung to
replace or fix it. The first person I spoke with 9 days ago said it would be
replaced. Yesterday I was told it would not be replaced and that I had
to call a place in Ephrata (a town about 20 miles from here) to set up a time
for it to be serviced. That appliance repair center called me and said they are
booked so far out that they will not agree to fix it! SO, Samsung should
go back to what they said in the beginning and replace it. I have spent
A LOT of time on the telephone regarding this!
I wouldn't recommend a Samsung dryer... mainly because Samsung has been difficult to deal with.
The dryer was great, when it worked.
My laundry room is a disaster. Someday I will have a working dryer again. :)


We are looking forward to Easter.
Willem's eyes are huge when we talk about Jesus
being raised from the dead.  I am thankful he learns the true
meaning of Easter at his pre-school too.
I love Easter songs, I am SO THANKFUL for what Easter
means for us.


theSNAPsisters said...

Have a blessed Easter with your family! Sorry about your dryer:(

Leah said...

I love what you said about Willem's preschool. Charlie is starting at a Christian preschool in the fall - one of the many reasons for sending him there is because its OK and encouraged to talk about the Lord and Jesus. How wonderful! Hope you have a great Easter, Michele.

April said...

Oh, no...please don't tell me you have a Samsung dryer! That's what we just bought several months ago. So far, it's working like a charm. The only thing I've noticed is that our towels come out smelling like vinegar. So weird! I can't believe your dresser cost only $5.99...looks better than new! What a sweet story about Willem...oh, to have faith like a child!

Alisa said...

Your dresser is cute.:) I like your milk glass too. I collect milk glass and love to see other pieces.:) So sorry to hear about your dryer drama. Want to come over and do laundry!!!?:) I'm totally serious. You can drop off your laundry if you need to. I'll throw it in with mine.:)

Maria said...

Love this post...and the dryer story. I think we would all have "one of those" stories some where in the past month.:)

Natasha said...

I hope your dryer situation gets resolved soon, I cannot stand those kinds of things and then you have to make 1 millions phone calls, ughhh! Love your ABC idea again. Have I told you how much I love that dresser? Probably. Got your package today, THANK YOU!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you told us about the Samsung difficulties that you are having. I have looked at those. I think we will stick with Kenmore Elite. Ours are going on 11 years old and still run like new. I hope they will replace it for you! A good company wouldn't be giving you the run around!

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...