Tuesday, February 8, 2011

These three WARM MY HEART

Thank you God for Merit, Willem and Hazel Jane.

I had to include the picture of Hazel flossing.
Uncle Nate would be proud. :)

Vance and I look forward to a no kids weekend.
We are fortunate to be able to do lots of little get aways, always
with our children. This will be the first time in SEVEN years we have done
a mini vacation or any overnighter without children.
It seems so strange, but boy are we excited!!


Jamie Lynn said...

Love the pictures on your blog... your kids are adorable!:)

April said...

Your kids are so stinkin' CUTE! I can't recall the last time Chris and I got away...just the two of us. Boy...could we use a little vacay! Hope you and your hubby have a FABULOUS time!

Kelley Gubler said...

Gotta love weekend getaways!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! I hope you and your hubby have a great time!

Natasha said...

Those kids are too cute! Where are your vacation pics? What you haven't unpacked, done all the laundry, and blogged about your trip yet? Just kidding, can't wait to see some pictures though :)

Leah said...

Those babies are beautiful! They really have their own individual 'looks' which is so very cool. Enjoy the get away!

match online free forever said...

I hope to always live happily ... They have faces of angels

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...