Thursday, September 16, 2010

thriftin' and pear picking

My friend Jessica, her two kids, Willem, Hazel and I went pear picking on Monday! I love being outdoors this time of year. I am excited to go back to the orchard to pick apples.

Willem enjoyed picking!

VISITING with a good friend and picking pears on a beautiful day... can't beat that

My Bargain Town Basket
Seemed like a fun front porch basket for fall.

Oh, it seems Buzz has a great lookout point from the front porch basket.

This lamp I got at Goodwill!
Eventually it will make its way to Hazel's room, but for now
it is a fun addition to our dining room.

Little Miss Hazel Jane says "hi!"


Robin Beck said...

The pears look so good!
We had rain on this side of the mountain so enjoy the dry pickin weather over there~

Love all the pictures~


Natasha said...

The pear and apple picking is just calling my name! Wish I were closer. Miss Hazel's hair is even more blonde now! I love her expressions.

Anonymous said...

Pear picking does sound fun & I bet they were yummy! Cute finds!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...