Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday Greetings

Vance got back from a 6 day hiking, fishing, Alaskan experience. He totally had fun and the kids and I did lots of fun things while he was gone, but it is great to have him back. He commented on the noise level when he got home. Vacationing with 5 adults on a remote lake in Alaska probably doesn't really have the same "energy" as a house with two rowdy boys and a baby girl who loves the sound of her own voice. I am not saying Vance didn't take this trip with some energetic people, he did. It is just at home there is a different kind of energy. ;)
The kids and I kind of went crazy when he was gone. We loved roasting hot dogs and marshmallows. Willem was especiallly crazy about having a fire out in the fire pit in our picnic area. I tried to get a handle on the weeds in that picnic area, I made a dent.
We also had rootbeer floats several times for a treat - yum. We belted out songs from the top of our lungs. We BBQd with friends, had old friends stop by to visit, enjoyed time with Liz and her kids yesterday. Merit gave the gang golf cart rides. We rented movies, stayed in our pjs all day one day... just really took advantage of the last sweet days of summer break. And now it is sort of back to reality. Vance goes back to work tomorrow and Merit starts second grade. I want to embrace the schedule we will get back into, but the freedom of summer was pretty great.
Merit and I went to his school's Open House tonight. It made me both sad and excited. We will miss him while he is at school! Time goes by so fast. He'll be a second grader! His classroom was so cute and his teacher so sweet! He is going to have a great year.

Hazel was far too busy exploring to even look at the camera.
There was an Autumn crispness in the air today.
I do look forward to fall, but hope we have some days
of summer left.
We look forward to Labor Day weekend! A long weekend for
Vance and Merit.


Natasha said...

I love those pictures of your kids! Lane would have loved to spend the week with you guys roasted marshmallows, hot dogs and root beer floats have got to be 3 of his favorite things. He also loves to sing these days. You are such a fun mom! We'll be thinking about Merit on his first day of 2nd grade!

Tami said...

Sweet pictures of your kids. Isn't it good that we have seasons, all the fun and relaxation of summer and then the routine of fall to look forward to.
I loved it when my guys hit second grade. They have settled into school, have learned to read and are still so excited about everything.
Have fun!

The Mulder Family said...

I absolutely love those pics too...too cute!! I wanted to double check that you received your cookbook in the mail yet or not? Just let me know!! BKMulder@hotmail.com or my blog!!

Mama Ohs said...

You are such a great momma! I love reading about you lovin on your kiddos! I hope Merit had a great first day today!

Anonymous said...

LOVE those pictures! I hope Merit has a great 2nd grade year! Sounds like you guys really enjoyed yourself while Vance was gone. Vance's trip sounded fun and relaxing! We are no where near Fall here. Still in the 90s. But it'll be here soon and I am welcoming it but not winter. Winter can stay gone as far as I am concerned...LOL!

April said...

What stunning pictures, Michelle! You have such a beautiful family and I know your heart is overflowing with PRIDE!

Lesha said...

Love these pictures. Pajama Days are the best! Good for you, you deserve a little rest and relaxtion.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...