Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Making Memories

This very first picture is of the old, grand red barn at Hovander.
My Aunt Janis often took us to Hovander Park growing up, it is my all time
favorite park. Saturday was a beautiful day for exploring that park.


The boys digging and playing in the sand
HazelMy sis Natasha

Birch Bay

I have so many memories of Birch Bay growing up! Of beach combing, having picnic lunches, time with family, walking out to the water when the tide was way out, getting a treat at the C shop... we got to make a few more memories there this past weekend. The kids and I drove up Friday. They were fabulous travellers and we were so excited to arrive and have Natasha and Lane greet us.
This weekend was good. The kids got to see their grandparents there and we got to celebrate my Grandma Dorothy's 90th birthday!! I was able to show my children Birch Bay and Hovander Park, two places I loved as a child. I may love them even more now. I got a little visiting in with two of my treasured friends - Lissa and Kristen - I love visiting with these girls, but time is always too short.
Spending time with my siblings was also a highlight along with reconnecting with cousins who I haven't seen in quite a while. I have lots of pictures to share... here are some favorites. More to come...

Hazel and Kyrie
Hazel's new peach and mint green head band is a
gift from Kyrie's mom - a very sweet gift!

Merit, Lane and Willem --- these boys had LOTS of energy! Trail blazing, wrestling, running, laughing and fighting... fighting between my two anyway!
It felt really good to get out of town. But a "trip" with three kiddos is a lot of work! I am so glad we aren't flying anywhere this summer! I'll be unpacking and getting organized for a day or two.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

When I am not chasing a baby, attacking Mt Laundry, weeding the garden, playing football with Merit, or pretending with Willem, I might be card making

face full of dirt, big bro to the rescue!

Card Making Fun, not a lot of time for this lately, but I do enjoy it. I think I will open my etsy shop again.and we love to see the garden GROW
Speaking of Growing, Hazel certainly is. Here is our growing little dirt baby!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Whimsical, wonderful Willem holding wildflowers

Vance and the boys take a canoe ride
Willem was especially excited about this adventure!

Enjoying Nature
Father's Day Weekend

Vance is at the Ephrata races with the boys tonight, watching their cousin Jordan race! Hazel and I are tidying up and enjoying eachother's company!
I wish Vance, my dad, his dad and his stepdad all a HAPPY FATHER's DAY! I had a crazy week and sent no Father's Day cards. Shame on me, I know. Merit is a gift giver and he has a little gift hidden for Vance in his room. The boys want to camp tonight too, down at the cabin if it isn't too hot -- otherwise they pitched a tent earlier today. Willem was very excited today for Hazel, it was her first time going in a tent! Willem is crazy about all Hazel is learning and doing. I have had such a fun day with our family today. We did some weeding, the guys took a boat ride and we just enjoyed hanging out in the yard. Vance hit a bunch of golf balls and the boys hit a few too. Merit and I biked to a yard sale and found some fun things.
 Summer break will be interesting... Merit is used to a busy schedule and he is an active kid! Willem loves to be home. Hazel needs to be home for naps. I think we may have a few challenges, but we are so excited for lazy summer days! And I love having all three kids home.
We will see cousins in Lynden before too long and I know that will be a highlight.
I hope that we can make Father's Day special tomorrow for Vance and make him feel appreciated. Also, I hope any dads reading this will have a HAPPY FATHER's DAY!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Park Playing, Strawberry Picking

Friends are blessings!
Look at cute Mackenzie!

baby Lincoln


Boys having fun!
Boy on the run!
Strawberry Picking

Jessica, Maria, and Mackenzie strawberry picking

Gotta start them young! I was raised picking strawberries. I picked my second
flat yesterday with Hazel on my hip. That is why it isn't overflowing like the first. :)

Then I got home and we went a little crazy with strawberry/rhubarb crisp~!
Merit and I love it!
I had two stalks of rhubarb ready in our garden. I picked them and added that tart taste to all of the delicious strawberries~

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...