Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!
I am fortunate to be able to know many devoted, wonderful moms! I have many examples to look up to.
I feel very blessed to have these three entertaining, fun, loving children! I will soak up these kids today and I will also miss my dear mom today. What a wonderful example she was! My mom was so easy to communicate with. We laughed so much with her too. She was patient and kind and a wonderful Christian example. They really don't come any better than my mom.

Merit woke up bright and early this morning to give me a mother's day gift he had made me at school. This sweet boys love language is gift giving and I was thrilled at the love and effort that went into the gift! I think I will get a picture of it and post it later this week.

The pictures I am posting today really allow a look into our children's personalities I think.
Merit: deep thinker, sport's player, good grade getter :), considerate boy
Willem: nature lover, outdoor hiker, fabulous pretender, fun loving boy
Hazel: stroller rider, easy smiler, wonderful cuddler, blue eyed girl


I thank God for these wonderful gifts: our children!
Vance got me a new camera for mother's day and I am already having so much fun with it! A gift he KNEW I would use. :)


The Price Family said...

Happy Mother's Day! What an awesome gift, you take such great pictures. What kind of camera did you get? Fun! Enjoy your day, your kids are so cute!

Natasha said...

I love how you described your kids. So true. They are great! Happy Mother's Day.

Lesha said...

Happy Belated Mother's Day! Thank you for the nice message on my wall. Hope you had a good day. Willem looks so much like you on the close up I think. Merit is looking so big with his new teeth, and Hazel, what a doll!

Jodi said...

WHat kind of camera did you get? Pics look great!

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures! I am glad that you had a good Mother's Day!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...