Sunday, May 30, 2010

The bros lookin' out for Hazel Jane

Each day I am impressed with how much our boys think of their little sister's wants, needs and interests.

We enjoyed brunch at our friend Jessica's house, where Jocelynne and Mackenzie thought it would be fun to get the princess shoes out. Willem quickly ran to the toy basket to grab a third pair. I wondered "are those for him?" Will had a different idea.

Hazel likes to give Merit kisses.

Hazel has been a really restless sleeper for about 9 p.m. when she goes to bed till 3 or 4 a.m.!
Last night and the night before were crazy! I hope she doesn't have an ear infection... I think she is
teething, but I am not sure what exactly is going on. She is happy during the day. ?
The cool thing is, Merit got up early with her this morning so that I could get about 45 minutes of extra sleep!! YOU ROCK Merit!!
Oh and here are some shots of Merit 4 wheelin'...

Merit and Wyatt

We have had a nice Memorial Day Weekend, so far... the weather has been really nice.
Matt spent the night here Friday night and Vance and Matt enjoyed golfing yesterday morning. Last night we went to the Moonlight Parade downtown.
Today the sun is shining and we are ready to head outside again!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Empathetic, prayerful hearts

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24

And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galations 6:9

I clearly remember several weeks after my mom died, watching the rest of the world going back to their routine while my family was stuck in a fog of grief, sadness and loss. Faced with the insermountable challenge of pressing forward with a happy heart and acting "normal" or as normal as I was before - which isn't saying a lot, my siblings will attest to this. Anyway, it is a very lonely, frightening feeling to press on with a heart that aches beyond understanding.
I remember thinking, "if our mom could have just had ten more years or twenty more years" I have often thought or dreamed of all the memories and joy we could have had during another twenty years. We would have let her go at 65 instead of 45, right??
No, now I believe that would not have felt like enough time either. But I do know to treasure each day because each day is a gift.
I appreciated then as I appreciate now the faith in Jesus that my mom had and wanted for her children, encouraging friends, empathetic hearts and prayers.
When I remember just how exhausting grief can be and when I think of the pain of that, my thoughts turn to my sister Natasha.
I want thousands of prayers to go out to her, Reese and Lane and the baby they are now expecting, I want her to be surrounded by kind friends and compassionate hearts.
We know our parents will go before us. We hope it is when they are 85 or 90 years old - maybe older, not 45 - but we may be slightly prepared for a period of life on earth without our parents. From what I understand (even when I can't begin to relate or understand) NOTHING prepares one for the loss of their child.
2010 has been a year of big challenges and changes in perspective.
My children are blessings all the way around. I am not only blessed by the compassion I see in them, by the things they are learning and by their smiles and hugs - I am blessed by the work they are. Because they are here, and time with them is precious.
My sister is deep in her grieving. Faith, time and our prayers will help ease that, but it is her journey... her, Reese and Lane's journey. One we cannot take away, but maybe we can pray that
the pain is made less.
Pleasant words are a honeycomb --- so sweet for the soul and healing. I am thankful for conversations with friends. And let us not grow weary in well doing -- we must encourage one another. I pray that Natasha is encouraged and prayed for and that she finds some sunshine in each and every day.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Rabbit chasing, excavating, ball playing kind of weekend

A weekend of rabbit chasing - Oh Willem is SOOOO determined to catch this bunny! He sets carrots out daily. We may NEED to catch this bunny - before it eats our garden - and then we can relocate him!
Merit and I tossed a football around for HOURS! He loves playing baseball, basketball, dodgeball, football, soccer..... Hazel watches from her exersaucer or stroller. :)
We tore out about twenty five rose bushes! They were pink rose bushes that lined the basketball court. About half of them were dead. It made me a little sad to see them go, but they were looking pretty puny. Vance rented an excavator and was like a kid in a candy store on that thing!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bargain Town, Lil' sis on the go, Thursday fun

Bargain Town Junkie

Oh how I like to visit Bargain Town... a glorified junkyard... a place where furniture with character and unique, worn, fabulous items can be found! For cheap... that's the best part ya know.
So, I got to hit Bargain Town this morning with Amy and Lisa and we were lucky enough to find some deals. In fact, a few of the fun pieces that I did not purchase I have thought of a few times today so I may go back tomorrow.
I got a empty wooden frame. I have a fun idea for this. I also bought a cute little table (no picture yet) that will go down at our cabin.
Amy found this rocker! It is heavy duty and comfortable. What a fun find!

Today was Hazel Jane's first experience with Bargain Town. If you have been there, you may know
why I hadn't yet taken her! But I gotta train this little lady young. She needs to be a thrifty girl like her mama.
After Bargain Town, a few of us went to REAL DEALS -- a new, affordable store in town. There were lots of cute home decor items, but the store was packed -- I plan to go again next week.
After a fun lunch with Vance, Willem, Hazel and I went to look at flowers. I still had my camera in hand, this new camera rarely leaves my side. Willem really wanted to take a picture of me in a garden center parking lot. So here I am.

And my shopping buddy Will. :)
Oh and Hazel Jane had a ball but by the time we got home she wanted to get down and M-O-V-E.
This lil' sis is on the go!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday Happenings

We have had a great day. Merit had a fun day at school. Willem, Hazel and I enjoyed
having a few friends over this morning. What a blessing it is to be in the company of good friends.
Merit and Willem are so sweet to this sister of theirs~ Their love for her warms my heart!

Hazel is scooting all over! She isn't hands and knees crawling yet, but she can scoot acrossed a room! I can't believe this is happening already. :0 )

It is so fun to see everything growing...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!
I am fortunate to be able to know many devoted, wonderful moms! I have many examples to look up to.
I feel very blessed to have these three entertaining, fun, loving children! I will soak up these kids today and I will also miss my dear mom today. What a wonderful example she was! My mom was so easy to communicate with. We laughed so much with her too. She was patient and kind and a wonderful Christian example. They really don't come any better than my mom.

Merit woke up bright and early this morning to give me a mother's day gift he had made me at school. This sweet boys love language is gift giving and I was thrilled at the love and effort that went into the gift! I think I will get a picture of it and post it later this week.

The pictures I am posting today really allow a look into our children's personalities I think.
Merit: deep thinker, sport's player, good grade getter :), considerate boy
Willem: nature lover, outdoor hiker, fabulous pretender, fun loving boy
Hazel: stroller rider, easy smiler, wonderful cuddler, blue eyed girl


I thank God for these wonderful gifts: our children!
Vance got me a new camera for mother's day and I am already having so much fun with it! A gift he KNEW I would use. :)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Feelin' Artsy

Teacher Appreciation Gift! Super cute idea taken from the blog on the bottom of this  picture! Grass seed in a bright, fun pot with a very cute tag.

What you need:
Cute pot, grass seed, dirt
fun tag on a skewer

Soak your grass seeds for 10 - 12 hours before planting, red winter wheat was recommended on the site I looked at.
Printable Tags:

Willem, Hazel and I went to the $1 store yesterday. Will picked out this birdhouse and a bottle of green paint. GREEN is Willem's favorite color.

This artsy feeling is contagious.

Sunday photo shoot:
Check out this DARLING little girl!

My artsy feeling came out in a weekend photo shoot on Sunday. Beautiful subjects make my job easy. Oh and then I HAD to include a picture of our beautiful blue eyed girl.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...