Thursday, September 10, 2009


Merit is into the swing of things in first grade. He is liking it. It is a transition, it is busier than kinder... I think being their all day every day and being very busy with "first grade learning" is a little tough on Merit Henry. He has said "Kindergarten was more fun" and "We are sooo busy!" What I love is that he goes each morning with a good attitude and tries to find the positives.
Willem started preschool Tuesday. He is 3 1/2. Deciding whether or not to send him was tough for me. I think one year of preschool is really important. I think two years can be great, but isn't necessary. He will attend two years. He cries so hard when I leave him, but when I pick him up he is all smiles. He is excited to talk about what they are learning and the kids in his class. Today he learned a song " I am Special" Listening to him sing that as we got home from preschool made me smile! And I know he has wonderful teachers there!
I decided to send Willem because I know he will miss Merit this year with Merit being gone so much and I will be busy with a newborn baby... I thought two mornings a week would be a good outlet for Will. Hopefully he will get used to it. It is interesting to talk with people. Some feel children are still babies at 3 and they should be home with mom if they can be. Others think it is a wonderful introduction to structure, socializing with peers and following instructions. I am stuck right in the middle.
This baby girl will  be here so soon! My due date is October 14, Merit's birthday. My midwife has offered to induce me, I have big babies and she would like me to deliver a baby that isn't huge so is thinking a week or so early could be good possibly. My body needs to show signs of being ready though. I was induced with Willem. The first time it didn't take. Ten days later I was induced again and 24 hours later I had 10 pound Willem Vance. My labors are L-O-N-G. But maybe not this time?? I can be hopeful, right?
Merit is sooo excited to have a baby sister! But he hopes she doesn't arrive ON his birthday. He thinks he would like his own day, I don't blame him. He said last night "I am so glad the DR is going to reduce you early so the baby and I can each have our own birthdays." I think he meant induce :) ....  I need to keep praying about that. Allowing everything to happen on its own sure sounds good too.
I love this time of year. The air is CRISP. I am getting cookbooks out looking for yummy, fall recipes. Gourds and pumpkins are growing and are for sale. Autumn is in the air.


Natasha said...

This beginning of the school year is such an adjustment. I feel your pain. It's so hard to know when to send your kids to school, if your doing what's right etc. The day is coming closer! Your boys will be such good big brothers to that little girl!

Kelley Gubler said...

i was unsure about sending paige to preschool too. she just turned 3 this summer, whereas caiden was almost 4 when preschool started. at that age 6 or 9 months makes a HUGE difference. but i am so glad i did. she loves it! i think it makes a big difference when they see an older sibling going to school too. i'm excited for you to have your baby girl! you're so close!

Shell in your Pocket said...

I am still adjusting and mine have been in school for 5 weeks now...
sandy toe

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the kids are adjusting well! Wow, it won't be too much longer before your new little baby gets here.

Anonymous said...

Ethan goes to daycare all day now--and I hate the idea but the environment is soooo good for him. There is a lot of structure (which he needs outside home) and he gets to play with his friends. He is very, very social now where before he started he was very shy. He also seems to be more able to handle change & transitions. I would prefer to be home with him, but it has been a good experience for him & most importantly, he enjoys it! Will is going to have a good time, and he gets to be like his big bro too!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...