Thursday, August 27, 2009

TIME... flies...

Time. FLIES. I am treasuring these last days of summer break. Merit has 6 more days before he starts first grade and then he will be gone to school Monday through Friday all day everyday. Man, we are going to miss him. This has been one wonderful summer!
Speaking of time flying I have just over six weeks till this BABY GIRL is due!! That makes me INCREDIBLY excited and a little nervous!
And I am trying to get organized... I have a bag of stuff going to the thrift store today and we will work on our little girl's room more this weekend. So for the next few days I am on an organization mission, we are soaking up the last days of summer break... the beautiful weather, the last of the summer blooms... and we are starting to think school and schedules.

Adie's blooms
Oh I wish this photo was taken in my house... be inspired by this ORGANIZATION STATION.

Have you read this book? I have heard good things. Think I will check the library for it this week.


April said...

How can you possibly be only 6 weeks away from your due date? It's gone by so fast...for me, anyway! :) Hope everything else continues to proceed smoothly!

Natasha said...

Summer is coming to an end... although I wish we had a bit more "fallish" weather. I love fall and soon you will have another sweet fall baby!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! I know you are looking forward to meeting your new baby girl!

Katie said...

Wow! Only 6 more weeks! That has really went by quickly :) Easy for me to say!

Glad you're in the nesting that cubby/locker area. And I will have to check out that book as well. Thanks for the idea :)

Enjoy your weekend! I love decorating/fixing up rooms and I'm sure you're enjoying it too. You're so talented at that :)

theSNAPsisters said...

so excited for you! I think a fall winter baby is fun because you get to bundle them up and stay inside:)

Daphine said...

WOW! Seems like you just posted that you were pregnant! The title of you post is definitely appropriate! WOW! Six weeks already?!?!?!?

Let us know what you think about the book. I've never heard of it/

Have a great week ahead!

Alisa said...

I am very excited to meet your sweet girl. I just know she will be so pretty.:) Can't wait to hold her. I hope you continue to feel well. Ella starts Kindergarten in 3 days. I cry a little everyday in anticipation. Is that weird?!:)

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...