Monday, July 6, 2009

More of the Willemsens

Today I have been looking up recipes for arugula - our arugula has gone crazy! Willem and I have also been picking peas and I have been caught up in the land of blogging. I had big plans of cleaning my laundry room... but blogging has sounded a lot more fun :) Anyway, I had to include some more photos of the Willemsen's visit. Look at these kids playing in the water in our front field!

Greta is such a cute little baby... makes me excited to have a baby girl in the house!


Anonymous said...

She is a beautiful baby!

I love your new banner pictures!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Cleaning laundry room: I have an erratic work schedule in July, so cleaning the old laundry room is front and center on my to-do list, but so far it hasn't happened!

April said...

Your header is so pretty, Michele! What a cute baby she is! You will LOVE having a girl around!

Beautiful Grace said...

Hi, Michele,

You are right, Greta IS a beuatiful baby! Your boys are cuties as well. My boys are men now, but I remember the sweet times we has when they were your boys' age. Savor this time, Dear, because it truly DOES fly by quickly!

Thanks for visiting my blog. May the blessings of knowing Jesus overflow you and your family this day!

Lesha said...

Baby Greta is so sweet! I hope to get to see her soon. Great pictures!

Cheers to 2025!

 Life is cruising right along.  Through 2024 I realized I was following behind in the technology world. There seemed to be no way for to ade...