Thursday, February 19, 2009


Thriftin' Thursday is a little different this week. I have in the back of my car a few bags to be donated to a thrift store, the Senior Center this time around. All of us had a few items of clothing in our closets that are ready to be given away and I had a few household things that are ready for a new home. But I did also shop the Senior Center thrift store this week and found several appealing magazines for only 15 cents each. A couple of home decorating and a few cooking magazines. Do you have a favorite magazine that I should be searching for?
Oh and I do have a couple of new thrift store goodies that I will post pictures of this weekend. My friend Marie was kind enough to take my boys yesterday while I had a meeting and ran a couple of errands. The thrift store was my fun stop!


Anonymous said...

Good job on the donation. We always donate too when there are things to get rid of.

I don't read any home decorating magazines. The main magazine I read is Our State. It's dedicated to NC. It's a great!

Can't wait to see your thrift store goodies!

April said...

I really need to find a thrift store somewhere nearby...I have a feeling there are bargains to be had! Can't wait to see what all you found!

Two of my favorite magazines are "Southern Living" and "Paula" by Paula Deen. Both have yummy recipes and great decorating ideas!

Maria said...

Taste of my favorite for recipes. I have found so many good ones in there. I also enjoy REAL SIMPLE...great decor all in one. :)great idea...finding them at a thrift store. I never thought of looking for magazines.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

People Mag is the only one I read. Although, I ripped out some pages of a Martha Stewart mag. at the doctor's office-I don't even know the name of it, but it was from summer 07...I am going to use some of the ideas this summer at my cottage1 :)
Glad to see you joined my giveaway! Good luck!
Oh-and I LOVE to go to thrift stores!!!

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...