Saturday, August 23, 2008

A look back, once again

As I mentioned in my last entry, I have truly had a time of reflection lately and what I find interesting is that old, important memories continue to surface. More so in the past two weeks than they have in a really long time. Just today I was going through an old box of files and discovered I had saved a highschool writing assignment. The assignment asked us to write about "parenting" Keep in mind I was probably fifteen at the time. :) The first page of my book is a dedication page. I dedicated the "book" to my mom and included these words "This is dedicated to my mom who remembers being young and understands how I feel. She is a mother, a teacher and a friend." Included in this assignment was a written entry about a strong memory regarding a parent. The memory I chose to write about was when my mom was in the hospital for two weeks at Harborview when I was a sixth grader and how scared we all were. It was good to be able to read my feelings and thoughts. That was the only time my mom was admitted to the hospital to stay because of heart issues. My grandparents took care of me and my four younger siblings. My brothers, sisters and I missed my mom terribly and were very worried about her. I ended the entry with expressing how thankful we all were to have our mother home and healthy....
Sometimes I believe we think if we don't take things or people forgranted we won't be "asked" to experience life without them. Sometimes what we are challenged to endure or accept can nearly break us. But God will not give us more than we can endure.
I am thankful that I knew how important my mom was when she was here, I know I could have done more to make her life easier - but I am so grateful for the relationship we had.


This N That For Health said...

I agree with cherishing the people in your life! I love being a mom but sometimes it is just frustrating. It's good to step back and realize how special the short time we have them is!! Thanks for the reminder!!

Maria said...

What great memories you have of your mom. I would have liked to meet her. In some ways I'm sure I have, because I know you. Lately, there has been so many little reminders of how special time is with our kids. Thanks for reflecting and reminding us all to live in the moment.

Anonymous said...

Michele- Your mom was a very special person; it is a blessing to be able to look on fond memories of your childhood and have had parents that model amazing values! Thank you so much for commenting on our blog (actually Taylor is mind behind it, not me). How awesome it will be to stay connected!



Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...