Saturday, September 24, 2022
Creek Walk and Cabin Joy
Saturday Update
Hazel is a natural.
Friday, September 16, 2022
It's Friday!
Merit is in fall ball mode. Classes have not started yet but baseball practice sure has. Along with weight room stuff.
Monday, September 12, 2022
Life on the Farm
These "kids" bring a lot of entertainment!
They are good friends - playful and fun!
Life is just cruising right along.
School is going well.
Merit left for Walla on Tuesday. He is now a college sophomore.
He worked 9-5 several days before leaving, then 2-10 Monday night and Tuesday he was gone!
We did a crappy job planning fun things this summer but the cool thing is some fun things happened just spur of the moment, easy, inexpensive, good things.
Oren and Merit cried as they departed ways Tuesday morning. The house is not as fun without Merit but he loves Walla Walla. The returning baseball sophomores are great guys. WWCC is a good place.
I have missed my mom in big ways over the past two weeks. It is interesting how those times will come and the ache is there. Wishing we could share... the good and the hard.
Tillie and Roxie - the kids - had their most playful evening last night. They were really fun to watch.
Bootstraps is such a gentle guy.
Monday, September 5, 2022
Thursday, September 1, 2022
We have a horse in our pasture!
Dreams do come true!
This has been so fun!
Hazel is a natural and their bond happened fast!
Vance has been working on fences for weeks, often in the early morning hours because it gets so darn hot. This girl is one happy girl!It feel magical to have a horse in our pasture!
Chilly days, good days
7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...
This kid's hair had never been so long! He opted for a cut yesterday afternoon! He looks great!