Oren and Ingrid
Estelle and Hazel
Current Happenings
Friday of last week everyone had a free afternoon so we met Merit at Palouse Falls and the beauty we experienced was breathtaking!!
Willem played basketball in Spokane Saturday and in Richland Monday night. We enjoyed grad parties as we could fit them in Saturday and Sunday. The weather turned out beautifully although there was a threat of rain.
I think maybe sophomore year was Merit's favorite and wow has sophomore year ever been a blast for Willem. He comes home with great stories every day!
Hearing about what he is cooking up in culinary is a JOY! And his American Sign Language class has been so very terrific! He has really bonded with his teacher - Merit did too! Mrs. Couch! But she is leaving our area and will be moving to Arizona.
I got to teach Oren's class Tuesday and Wednesday last week and I was grinning from ear to ear! So much growth with this group! And man those kids are funny!
I was, however, a bit distracted as Hazel was home sick.
Tuesday afternoon I took her to walk in. They ruled out Covid, influenza, and strep. She had a mandatory cheer meeting that afternoon - we got there for just a quick piece of it -
Merit ended his first year as a Walla Walla Warrior yesterday and that KID! He pulled up last night in a rain storm. Hazel had blueberry muffins in the oven and Oren ran to greet him! His year was good. There were challenges along the way, but the friendships he has made are incredible. He is a social being and a heck of a pitcher.
Merit is pitching in Selah today! I have not seen this kid pitch his last several outings and I am missing it.
I thought a ton of my nephew Kai yesterday with his graduation being last night. I thought so much of Lesha too.
Oren enjoyed field day on Wednesday - I did too! It was incredibly fun. There were inflatables, bounce houses, games, sponge volleyball, popsicles! The weather could not have been better.
And then yesterday was Longview's art fair and BBQ!
Vance got ready for his trip Tuesday and Wednesday, and left Thursday morning. He is up in Ketchikan.
Hazel is slightly better but this has kicked her little butt. She is still sleeping. Went to bed at 9 pm and here it is 11:15 - I am concerned I should take her in again...
Working at filling my days with positivity.
When I teach, I feel the day is positive.
Today I will weed, bake, start putting together some items for New Hope in Moses Lake.
New Hope can always use:
* Diapers and wipes
*Hygiene products
*Gift cards to Amazon or Walmart
*Children's clothing
We have gorgeous flowers in our yard! But our weeds are out of control. Setting the timer for 30 minutes now and will get some weeds pulled before I start baking cupcakes.
Tasha's bp has been really high! She had a headache for ten days but is experiencing some relief this morning! Praying the relief is extended.
7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...