Sunday, February 28, 2021


4 verses for this beautiful Sunday

My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. 

Psalm 121:2

You are blessed, chosen, adopted, and a blood bought child of God who is to live a life set apart for God's glory. 

Ephesians 1:3-9

Perfect love casts out fear. 1 John 4:18

I cleaned the coop! What a mess! But oh it felt good to get it done! Our chickens sure love those first glimpses of spring.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Saturday Thoughts

 We love wide open spaces. 

Horse dreaming is happening here. 

Oren had a rough afternoon at school Tuesday. I was so thankful he would be learning from home Wednesday and Thursday. Friday was better at school and his teacher was great about addressing a peer issue.

Merit overthinks - who am I to say he overthinks. He is giving very careful consideration to summer ball plans and college plans. Whisper a prayer for him please. 

Willem so appreciated in person learning - well, at least we know that now. 

Once we return to some sort of normal, I bet we will take less for granted. 

Hazel's learning is on fire. She is a good friend, she has good friends. 

Today is bike riding weather! YAY! I love the sunshine. 

Stop and think of this. 

A man and woman are seated at a table at a restaurant. The woman is wearing fabulous heels. She smiles often. The man looks dapper. They eat, drink, laugh, they are kind to their server. 

The woman has stage 3 cancer.

You see a man and a woman walking into a football stadium together. They are wearing team gear. They have their stadium chairs and they are smiling.  

The man said goodbye to his father last week, he passed away.

You see Facebook pictures of a family. They are flying to Hawaii! The kids are smiling on the photo. They will enjoy a hotel, beaches, and warmth for six days. 

The man is cruel to his wife. He undermines her and controls her. She is planning her escape. 

You see a kid on a playground, he is swinging in a swing, as high as he can go! His mom is sitting at a picnic table nearby. She brought orange slices, Oreos, and a juice box. She smiles and waves at her son. 

Her son suffers from a severe learning disability. School is a struggle. Daily.

We just don't know. 

And some thing that people hide behind is social media posts. We can artificially present what people want to see. 

Our kindness matters, even if it does not seem necessary. The fact is, it is always necessary. 

Friday, February 26, 2021

Applesauce, Friday's here!

Mr G - a former teacher of Merit's, a great guy -  gave us a big box of apples some time ago

We have made applesauce and two different apple breads. 

Oren wanted to help last night! 

He did a terrific job. 

It has been a long week, a busy week. I am looking forward to crawling into bed with a good book


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Winter happenings...

It is spitting snow again tonight... but not much. 
The movie theater opens here this weekend at 25 percent capacity! It is open just Friday, Saturday, and Sundays.
I have not flown anywhere in almost three years. In a way that seems like a long time, but I know many people who never get on a plane. 
I have been dreaming of Palm Springs, San Diego, Arizona. 
Heck, I have been dreaming of Leavenworth, Lynden, and Idaho. lol
We are staying close to home and mostly it is good. Sometimes it is hard. 

Merit has tried snowboarding and he loves it! Willem wants to give it a try too! Merit got into the radio station to record last night. And he has been umping games when he can.
Basketball and baseball practices also keep him busy. Willem is busy with football, basketball, and baseball. 
And oh! Willem needs in person school to come back! He really does.
Things are slowly, at a snail's pace, beginning to get back to normal. 

When I heard the theaters were opening in some cities, I got excited. I bought tickets online to visit our theater this weekend! This gang is pretty excited! 

I am excited about these heron pictures I got yesterday. 

 That wood fence! 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

"They're all good. Some are just better than others."

We love Winter

winter chickens loving meal worm treats...

Connie the cat! 

 Today it is prepositional phrases, writing about pizza, PE workouts indoors, and all sorts of learning.

I was thinking of the Calico Cat thrift store early this morning. It was a second hand store in Moses Lake, not far from Frontier Middle School. The money made helped benefit the animal shelter.  A lovely lady named Twila owned and ran it, an older lady who always offered me insight and a smile. She told me that she would set aside Gonzaga shirts for me, for my kids. She knew I was always on the hunt for them. I have blogged about her before but it has been a few years. 

  When Hazel was a kindergartner, her teacher had let me know of a few things I could be on the lookout for while thrifting. I remember taking Oren there, he'd pick a truck or a book.  I found some of the things Mrs. Nelson needed.  Twila inquired about how I would be using the items. I told her they were for a kindergarten class, she gave them to me - no charge. 

One day when I asked her how her day was going, her answer was;  "Good. They're all good. Some are just better than others."

And when you never really have a bad day  - well, that attitude is contagious.

Twila got sick a couple of years ago and I would go in and ask about her. Her workers were loyal and dear and they would share what was happening with her. She came back, having lost weight and was on oxygen. What did not change was her smile and her positive attitude. 

A few months later I walked into the store and a handsome younger man was behind the counter. I asked about Twila, unsure of who the man was, I had not seen him before. He said she would be closing the store. The man was her grandson. 

A thrift store where I bought countless children's books, some vintage dishes, and Zag gear for my boys would be closing. A store where I got small doses of therapy on a regular basis and was always made to feel welcome. A place where I collected some fun things for kinder teachers and friends... 

Wow. I miss that store. 

But I am grateful for the memories there, also for Twila's influence.

On a separate note, I have started writing my book. It is so difficult and yet it is very therapeutic. On days when I feel defeated or misunderstood, I go to my book. I did not know the characters when I named them, but slowly I am getting to know them. 

Sometimes I crave getting to my computer to write. 

Monday, February 15, 2021

Fun in the snow with my three sons!

This kid has grown a TON in 10 months. He'll get his permit next week. 

He and Merit are at their first "real" basketball practice of the season. Where they are allowed to pass and to rebound. They were quite delighted when they left here!



Sunday, February 14, 2021

Friday, February 12, 2021

A good day!

 Pre-school and elementary kids LOVE a good Valentine party! And that is just what my kids got today. I feel so thankful.

Then, we got to have two friends over after school! And school was only a half day! Kids were out at noon. 

Around 3 we headed out in this 20 degree weather, 10 with the wind chill  - and my brave Hazel rode bareback out at Marilyn's. Oren supported her. They both brushed Sable after Hazel's ride. Marilyn treated us to peach tea and hot cocoa. 

It really was a great way to start the long weekend. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Happy Tuesday Morning


Hazel, Oren, and I  prayed the other night that if there were kittens who would need fostering this spring, that we would be able to help.
Kitten nurturing is good for the soul. 
Oren's little hands were clasped and his head bowed. 

We sure enjoy "Connie the Cat" - she likes to take property hikes with us. 

Yesterday, I had so much fun teaching learning about the everglades and ecosystems with a fabulous bunch of fifth graders. OH! I love the learning in fifth grade!! 
The best part is, I get to take one of them home with me each day! 

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...