Wednesday, July 18, 2018


It is 100 degrees and I am sort of melting. I remember 20 years ago, Vance and I were planning our wedding. It was a HOT summer! I wanted to earn some extra money that summer so I signed on to work summer school for the Royal School District. It was a great experience. I would get home in the  afternoon and lay out in the sun, often reading a book. I remember laying out in 100 + degree heat! The only way I could do that today was if I were in a pool. It is supposed to stay hot for a while. I love 8:30 in the evenings when it becomes comfortable to sit outside. I especially love sitting at a ball field at 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 p.m. enjoying the cooler temps, watching baseball.

Last night was Merit's last double header for baseball. We have traveled so much this season. It has been a season of fun, great competition and challenges. Merit's coaches were awesome and Merit's attitude was great. American Legion summer ball was a big commitment.  It made me happy that Willem's season was not as intense. He has a lot of years of a lot of playing if that is what he chooses to do.

I am so tired.
We have had late nights in Wenatchee, Kennewick and Yakima. Late nights in Moses Lake too, but so many good memories made!

Moses Lake has a terrific new "farmhouse". A very old house on Alder Street has been given some TLC and a couple's dream of owning a farmhouse "store" is becoming a reality! I am a consigner at the Favored Farmhouse and the "hunt" for the old, the useful and beautiful has been so fun! Hazel and I went "pick in' " in Tri Cities before Merit's double header Monday. We found some great stuff! I was a vendor there Saturday and loved being a part of their grand opening. I had Natasha's help, which made it more fun.

We are enjoying some water fun! Gardening and weeding early in the mornings of in the evenings is good. We love ice cream, fro yo and sprinklers. There is arguing and tattling and working together and making memories. Summer break is the best.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...