Tuesday, July 28, 2015

They don't make them like they used to

My washer is beep beep beeping as I type this. I washed a rug and this washer just can't handle rugs. All this water is left in the drum and then I have to do this drainage process all the while my kids have all changed their clothes already today and it isn't even noon and there are three bath towels, used, wet, in the hallway... Our old washer was OLD. And it worked. And then one day it sort of stopped working and I couldn't wait to get a new one! And, well, they don't make them like they used to.

I am trying to stay away from the thrift stores except for special occasions. This means if Shannon or Maria or Katie A. asks me to go to the thrift store, I would meet them there. No, but really, I was just going too often and although it is the perfect sort of down time for me, my accumulating became ridiculous and I just can't pass up a bargain. So, with that being said, I went today. And hadn't been for a little while. I also went with the back of my car loaded with things to donate. awwwww with no kids --- again awwwwww and while I was shopping this lady not far from me picked up a cute, red purse. I was gawking. She showed it to her friend. I started reaching for it. Ha! No I am kidding, I waited. She put it back on the rack. I waited a few seconds...  I said "are you sure you don't want this? It is so cute and you spotted it" She assured me she had enough purses at home and encouraged me to buy it! -- I have to be careful. One day, in December, a lady accused me of shopping out of her cart.

so I bought the purse

I love their friendship.

This girl

An afternoon bike ride! Shooting hoops, vacuuming the car, tending to the washer, enjoying time in the yard... this is what our afternoon looks like...

Monday, July 27, 2015

Girls Day!

 The Sleeping Lady, Leavenworth WA

Oh Grady's at The Sleeping Lady

Dinner at South! These girls are so good for the soul!

The Sleeping Lady in Leavenworth is a beautiful place! Tucked away in the trees... I had never heard of it. Marie knew about it and reserved a room there. Shannon and I didn't spend the night, we headed home but the other girls made it an overnighter with Jenn and Marilyn. Fun girls, good conversation, prayerful, wonderful friends! We got a little chunk of the afternoon there, at the Sleeping Lady, and then walked through some shops in Leavenworth and enjoyed dinner together. I am excited to go back! An autumn day in Leavenworth also sounds so wonderful.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Sweet Summer Nights

sweet sweet summer nights
Hazel picks a couple of rainbow carrots each night and chomps on them.
Oren explores and has fun!

We let our chickens run for a couple of hours each evening.

I love summer.
The kids are having fun. Merit is at basketball camp at Gonzaga right now. He and Jace Allred are there for three nights. LOTS of basketball to be played and skills to be worked on! :) His friends Ryan and Brandon are there too.
What a fun experience for these boys.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

When Kindness and Compassion Lasts and comes back again and again

some of our favorite days this summer have been spent doing something so simple!
Going for smoothies, playing at the park, hanging out in our yard...
I feel I have to stay pretty close to home. Both Oren and I really need his afternoon nap. ;-) We have a Lynden trip planned and an Alaska trip planned and I am  nervous for both. But, I am sure great memories will be made.

This summer a little piece of me is searching. It isn't a lack of contentment kind of search, it is searching to see who may need a kind word or some compassion. I have been blessed by it countless times. I think God is tugging on my heart saying "give back."

My nephew Case would be six this month. Six years old. Heaven is now his home and our mom, his grandma, can read him books, sing songs with him, hold him on her lap... picturing this gives me a bit of calm.

Five and a half years ago, the support our family felt at the time of his death was immeasurable. And the kindness and compassion shown then, well it comes back again and again. And you know, that is what kindness does.

I ran acrossed a card that Tami R. wrote me at the time of Case's death. It spoke to my heart then, as it does now. Please remember to pray for Natasha, Reese and family as the anniversary of Case's death approaches. And also, their sweet Ingrid will be one next week! I saw her when she was a few days old! And haven't seen her since. Cuddling that sweet one year old is something I will get to do soon.

I am thanking God today for kindness and compassion. And also, for the power of prayer.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

a vintage cafe

so last night I went to this vintage cafe...
The waitress was so sweet. She had been working hard all day she told me, with customers lining up at her door.

this cafe was off the beaten path
We had to ride our horses to get there and to get back home. :-)

She asked that I not take any pictures of her face. Usually, while at a restaurant, people just enjoy their food and don't pay much attention to their cameras.

Thanks for the fun evening Haze.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Cabin Cozy, Garden Fun, Summer Night... oh and Braces for Merit!

My vintage finds in the cabin...

Blanket forts!

Bright, fun, thrift store goodies!

Willem is always up for an adventure.
The poor kid was sneezing and his eyes were getting red... he deals with allergies, but the adventure seemed to be worth it. Hazel expressed an interest in going along, but Willem said "Can it just be me and mom? I don't get much time with JUST mom." Hazel seemed to understand and Willem and I got our 30 minute adventure.

Our garden! This weekend we are getting our first tomatoes. And all of the green ones scream anticipation.
The past few afternoons I have been so tired. Not sure what that is about but I do know I need to get back to exercising on a regular basis! I will have more energy.

I LOVE his personality!!!


and braces for this fella!!
See that cutie in the other chair?? Our friend Taryn! 

I think he looks great!!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Summer Days

sweet Nellie girl

Oren shares my love for the chickens.

Containing excitement or anger? Not possible when it comes to Oren Paul. But that really is what being 2 is about.
We went to the water park today and Oren LOVED it! Enjoyed it so much! And did not want to leave.

I've got a thing for herbs.

I have to clean up my house. 
Why is this so hard for me? And the room I am sitting in right now - I do not know where to begin.
I will get there. The kids are doing a great job of entertaining themselves. I love the games they invent with balls and the kiddie pool and Hazel is right there with the big boys. Oren too often times. I love summer days.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...