Tuesday, June 24, 2014


June has been great and really busy too! 

Merit had his fifth grade graduation!! He will enter middle school in the fall. 

Merit and some of his friends... He has had a great time at Longview!!

Baseball is in full swing!!

And it has been so fun! 
Last weekend the boys played well. Won two, lost two. 
Our last game Sunday morning our guys were a bit "off" -- this team has a lot of talent, but there are times
when they just aren't themselves and Sunday morning was one of those. We hated leaving! I really thought these boys would play for first and second.

A few of us families rented this house just outside of Wenatchee! The setting was beautiful. I loved
 this farm house! And so did the kids.

The man we rented it from was friendly and excited to show us his animals. 
Willem and Hazel loved the baby chicks.

Becky holding Oren
I so appreciate our baseball "family" and how people are willing to scoop up Oren. 
Oren has been to many baseball games in his young life! 
It is quite the community and I am very thankful for the friends we have made. 

Everett, Merit and Oren

Willem and Carter

I would love to go back to this farm house someday!

 Yesterday the kids and I met Lesha, Rob and family in Crescent Bar! Lesha and Rob are staying six days there. I would have loved to reserve a place and spend the night, but we have been running so much. So just half a day there was wonderful. The kids had a lot of fun!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Beautiful Evening

Yesterday it sprinkled off and and on. I didn't have to water any of my plants or the garden, that was all take care of. :) Willem, Hazel and I went strawberry picking in the morning and they loved it!! Sandy Hill Strawberries is a really fun stawberry patch in Moses Lake, the berries are sweet and delicious! Later in the day, the kids watched the Lego movie and Merit played lots of basketball outside. I got Merit to baseball a little after 5 and then met a great group of women at Michael's on the Lake for a little 40th Bday party for a dear friend. I thank God for great friends! The evening was off to a great start. Julia watched the kids while Merit picked Vance up from practice. I got home to kids running in the card and a beautiful evening sky.

Last night was a really fun night of making memories. I love times like these! The sky was gorgeous, there was a beautiful rainbow. I headed down to the creek with my camera in hand,  I actually ran -- afraid I would miss some great lighting :) but the lighting only got better. I took some pictures then headed up to the house to tell the kids there was a beautiful rainbow, but the house was quiet. I spotted the chief going down "ditch bank road" and ran to meet them. Vance had all the kids and they were enjoying a little country cruise. (they couldn't find me when they left) The kids were chatting and laughing, the dog was running along with us. I don't think Hazel had ever seen such a beautiful rainbow.

Will and Nellie

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Tomorrow, SCHOOL IS OUT FOR THE SUMMER! I'm excited!

Today we have had a busy, sort of hectic morning... Willem's bowl of Raisin Bran and milk sort of flew off the counter. Milk and cereal everywhere! He did his best to clean it up, but then I mopped. My coffee got dumped over. Oren dropped something down the stairs and it broke. Laundry is piled waist high and waiting to be put away and my kitchen sink won't drain... oh boy!

But, I do love June. I just needed five minutes at the computer with a tall glass of water. It hasn't been a great morning by any means, but I think things will turn around.

These are truly johnny jump ups.
I didn't plant these, they just appeared.

I didn't photograph any of our weeds, we have those too! 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Helping a Sister Out

When the "grass gets thick" or there seem to be lots of thorns or "pokeys" (as my kids call them), I hope you have a "brother" to help get you through.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...