Thursday, February 27, 2014

Spring clean up, soaking up these kids, choosing to pray

Oren, Hazel and I have had a quiet day. We played house, school, Hazel wiped down Oren's very messy highchair. :) We played horses too. Hazel loves playing with her horses and her horse barn, her imagination is so fantastic! But we needed some fresh air and decided to get out to the garden and begin the very big process of cleaning up and getting ready for spring planting.

She asked if we had any seeds and could get to planting. :) 

It started to sprinkle so we headed over to the swing set for a little fun and then inside. Oren was down for his nap within five minutes. That fresh cold air wore him out.
These days at home are good for the soul. I will say though some days my mind gets to worrying. Worrying about family members or about things I am not getting done. My heart is heavy for a lot of people. 
I picked up the book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.
I opened it up to a section; The Battlefield of the Mind. The author writes about how we have a choice each day. We can worry or we can pray.We really can't do both.

The hat that Oren is wearing is so special to me. My friend Maria made it and it is so fun, I think I mentioned this in an earlier post, I wear it, Hazel wears it and Oren wears it! :)

Praying for those who are on my heart and praying for contentment and peace while I soak up the sweet blessings all around me.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


This guy really has a sweet personality. 
I grabbed my camera yesterday and a little "texture" -- this fun, thrift 
store blanket and I started snapping away.

I see this expression a lot. 
He is such a sweetheart and those eyes... they are just so sweet.

I have more from this "shoot" on my photography blog. 

Have a great day! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Two Days in Ellensburg

Sweet fans! 

Pool FUN! 

Two days of basketball in Ellensburg.
The littles did GREAT, Willem had a buddy to hang with at all the games and Merit had fun. 
It was good.

Two highlights: An early morning swim in the hotel pool
And a day with Aunt Kelcy

oh boy! These boys!! :) 

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Oren Paul
His eyes, melt me.

I love this sweetheart's imagination and spunk! 

On Valentine's morning, Hazel was VERY excited to make
a valentine for her dad. She sat down at the table. She wrote DAD and from: Hazel on the envelope and wrote Vance on the card. There were hearts and all sorts of cuteness. Once she finished the "balentine" she got her boots on and suggested we head right out to the mailbox. So we did.

Vance was very sweet to me this Valentine's Day too! I felt spoiled. Flowers, a beautiful silver bracelet and a necklace. Oh and Eggs Benedict this morning!

sweet little valentine

The teething binkie that his cousin Brielle gave him for Christmas... he really likes it.

It is easy to share Oren Paul sweetness...
Willem just came in from riding motorcycle.
And now later today, two basketball games for Merit!! 

But, I am heading outside for a basketball game of my own with these boys. I have been
exercising a lot, finally after about 7 weeks of it - it has become part of my routine. I am seeing results, but slowly.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I love when we can be home and they can JUST PLAY.

It has REALLY warmed up here today. It is a wet mess playland outside! 

Today has been one of those great days of play. 
Princess dresses, princess shoes, horses and horse trailers... the good stuff.

Drinking coffee, keeping up on the laundry (almost) and listening to music... and watching these sweethearts loving one another and playing. These are the days.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Oren in the bath... a little update

Last week we had a S*No*W Day which made for a fun long weekend! 
We needed it, Thursday night was spent doing lots of homework with the boys and everyone was a little burnt out. A snow day, sledding, hanging out together and lunch from Woody's on Friday was just what this group needed! 
Saturday we took off for Wenatchee for a basketball tournament. It was fun. Papa Stan, Gramma Adie, Abby and Luke joined our group too. It was a good weekend! 
Today has been productive. I finished two assignments for the Ed class I am taking. The instructor is helpful and is allowing me to really make this course fit this stage of my life. I don't have to be in the classroom to complete it, I can do a lot of the work with my kids. The course is called Healthy Body. There are great poems, charts, graphing assignments and literature through this course. I am able to focus more on healthy eating and this has been rewarding. We're making more smoothies, eating lots more spinach and introducing some new vegetables. I sneak zucchini in brownies and have found lots of uses for flax. :) The course introduced me to some "five senses" and healthy body songs and poems that I am doing with Hazel and Oren. It has been a good learning experience. Finding the time to do it - things like typing up papers -  proves to be challenging, but it is working out.

Look at this cutie in the bath! 

I love this tub.
I especially love a baby in this tub. :) 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Time flies

Time FLIES! 
It really goes quickly!
Every now and then I take a few minutes to look at old pics...
I can't believe Oren is 8 months old already. 
He is so happy and cute! Reminds me of both of his big bros. :) 

Dogs grow quickly too :) 
This Nellie is a keeper.

Legoland! A little version of Willem, Lane and Vance! 

I love this one.
Vance, Rudy and Willem

These two are developing quite the friendship... it started early on. 

Oren, newborn, in the hospital. Little face, big binkie, sweetheart! He hasn't lost the chubby cheeks.
I am so thankful to be a stay at home mom. This time is going by quickly and I am thankful I get to soak it up! Thanking God for these blessings...

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...