Sunday, October 27, 2013

Autumn Fun

Autumn leaves
Our yard has been covered in them! Vance "swept" them yesterday with the 
leaf sweeper and there are a lot again today. 
The kids love playing in them!

Yesterday Merit had a basketball game, he played great! It was fun to watch his team! 
Willem had a fun run.
Early afternoon Grandpa Jim got here. We've had a busy, good weekend.

The Great Pumpkin Run! 
Willem participated in this yesterday.
He did really well.
The weather was crisp and beautiful.

His cute cheerleader and sister!

Oren Paul in Grandpa's arms

a good place to be...

He is SUCH a happy baby. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Oren Paul

This guy is a blessing. 
He is as sweet as candy.
He certainly is good for my soul.
God has blessed us.

He reminds me a little bit of our sweet nephew angel Case.
I last saw Case when he was exactly the age Oren is now. 
My sister Natasha is so brave, so faithful. 
She is strong, but should be allowed to be weak.
She soaked up sweet Case William, just like I am soaking up 
Oren Paul.
Life is strange, really hard some days, really beautiful some days.

I am thankful for family. For those who already have heaven as their home and for 
those on earth seeking joy, caring for one another and making this world a sweeter place.
God is good.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday Hazel Jane!!!

It is so hard to believe that Hazel is 4 today! Time flies!!
She was such a good baby. 
She has been such a fun, sweet girl. Usually in a good mood, very kind, occasionally bossy and reallly loving!

I thought her eyes were going to turn brown for a while. 
But oh she is a blue eyed beauty!

Some hot tub fun with Willem! :)

This girl is an amazing big sister.

Maddie and Hazel

These four I adore!! :)

Happy Birthday Hazel! We love you sooo much!! 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Merit Henry is 11 today!!! Happy Birthday! We love you!

Merit and Emma
I think they were three here. These two were born just one day apart! Just like their mamas!!

Merit, Willem, Uncle Phil and Uncle Matt! 
In Seattle, right before a big Husky game!

At the game! (three years ago)

He is the best big brother!
This boy has shown a responsibility and maturity that makes me so proud! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Button hunts, collecting goods from our garden, TIME

This girl has been in the BEST mood lately!
oh how I need this right now  :)

Picked a carrot and ran down to the cabin! 

Hiding buttons down at the cabin is oh so fun! 
I loved having five days with Hazel and Oren when the guys were gone, but it is 
good to have them home.

I love my time with these kids. I love October too. The Autumn lighting, more of a schedule, we have two birthdays this month; Merit and Hazel's. Willem will do a "pumpkin run" later this month, Halloween... lots of fun in store.
I bought some bulbs to "force" flowers inside this winter ----will be cheery!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Our weekend is looking something like this...

It has just been me and the two little ones for five days. Vance and the two big boys are on an Alaskan adventure... getting back tonight. 
I am sure the guys have had a great trip. Ketchikan is beautiful and visiting the cabin is fun.
sneaking sips of my salted caramel mocha
good thing it is decaf

This weekend I got to have dinner with Lisa Garcia and Shelli Worsham!! Love! Thursday night
with Lisa, Friday night Shelli brought dinner here. I sure appreciated the catch up.
Last night Oren, Hazel and I enjoyed a very nice dinner at Michael's Bistro.

We've both got some time on the treadmill.
When oh when am I going to make this part of my DAILY routine?
4 times a month isn't showing results ;)

Nellie girl

The love between these two is amazing, incredible. I 
love watching them together.

What a sweet dog, when she isn't chewing up my vacuum cleaner filter, Hazel's DR set, Willem's converse or my empty Starbucks cup...

This weekend has been calming. 
I thank God for the calm! :)

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...