Monday, October 29, 2012

Sisters Weekend

Sisters Weekend

I can't begin to write about how much I enjoyed this. Also, it went by way too fast!
I had twenty four hours with these wonderful girls. They had a little more time together.
Bellevue was a great place to meet up. It rained and rained so shopping and walking Bellevue Square was really perfect. We got some good bargains. We always hit a TJ Max or Marshalls and usually end up spending at least two hours there.
We had a really good time. We need more time together. :)

We enjoyed eating out.
Talking about silly things, talking about serious things, shopping for ourselves and our kids... it feels so good.

Eating out with great conversation is such a highlight.

Natasha in The Yankee Candle Store.
Oh, I love this store!
I bought a few yankee tarts here...
whoopie pie was a scent I had never "sampled" -- it smelled soo good, like a chocolate pie

We get to see Natasha again in a week! I feel very blessed!!
And I hope to see Lesha in November, but if not November, I'll see her at Christmas.

Both of these girls remind me of our mom, but in very different ways. I love to see glimpses of our mom in them! Their friendships are something I value and appreciate very much.

I need to run! Book Fair BINGO tonight at the boys' school!! Should be fun! Willem is especially excited!

Friday, October 26, 2012


Invest in those you love
Forgive, forget, forge forward

I've had some really full days lately. Full in a good way and full in a tough way.
Homework, sports, doctor and dentist appts, disciplining, trying to keep up the house, wanting to
be involved in the boys' school... it feels very full. Prayer, God's grace and good friends and family are what gets me through.
Some days when I crawl into bed at night, there is so much left to do.
I have also been photographing a lot of families which has been really fun, but editing pics and delivering disks takes time too and some weeks it is hard to fit it all in.
Today it is cold and rainy. We don't get many days of all day rain here on the east side of the mountains. I seem to welcome them and am also thankful we don't have too many of them.
It is a good day to clean up around here, edit pictures, sip some hot tea, enjoy Hazel Jane and update my blog!

My dear friend Maria had her baby boy on Saturday!
A big boy: 10 lbs 11 ounces
Nathaniel Jay!! Jay and Maria now have two girls and a boy.
I am so happy for them. I have loved getting to know their family better and better.

Hazel has had a couple of illnesses over the past two months and the dr talked about trying to limit her sugar intake. I have been offering her lots of cheese, crackers, fruits, berries, vegetables, frozen yogurt... and less candy and fruit snacks! :) But, today I caved and bought her a package of NERDS candy. The funny thing was, she just wasn't that into them. Then, I picked up some ham at Safeway's deli and that is what she wanted to eat while she sat in the cart! Sliced ham! It was a good moment for me.

I get to meet my sisters tomorrow in Bellevue. I am SO excited.
These women are so fun to be around. I can't wait for some good conversation, laughter, eating out and shopping.

These boys have a really neat relationship. They laugh A LOT.
They also fight. They love to "bug" eachother. They stand up for one
another, are concerned for eachother and are just good guys.

The shop progress has been FUN! Our hang out - the loft - is a hit!

Looking down out of the shop window from the loft

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Hazel!

Oh Hazel you have brought us so much JOY!
We thank God for you!!! Happy 3rd Birthday!!!

silly big bro with new baby sis!

Our three year old! She is having a great day celebrating!! Grandpa Jim was here for part of the weekend and Hazel loved having him here! Today she has been riding bike, running around outside, opening presents and enjoying her DORA cake!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Willem Wednesday

First graders make me laugh. They help me look for blessings and take time to notice the little things. They make me smile. Their innocence is something I want to bottle. The way they solve life's problems is inspiring. This age/stage has ALWAYS been one of my favorites.
I feel very blessed to have a first grader living under our roof!
Willem Vance is one of the sweetest blessings I have ever known.
His easy going, fun, imaginative personality is something we so enjoy in our home right now.

 Willem was very excited about running in the Great Pumpkin Race at Blue Heron last weekend. He did great! Gramma Kris also joined us to cheer him on! He ran with first and second graders.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Merit Henry!!

HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY MERIT!!! We love you so much!!
10 years ago today you were born in Hermiston, Oregon. At 9 pounds and 10 ounces you were one big boy with a cone head. :) We fell in love immediatly. Life in Boardman, Oregon was no longer boring.
You have brought us a lot of joy! We are thankful for your fun spirit, your determination and your drive. You have a great sense of humor. You have Jesus in your heart. You are a good brother, a wonderful son and a great friend to many.

Doting big brother

What an amazing All Star Season!

Buddy, we love you so much!
I pray your 10th year is full of growth, learning, health and blessings!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday Morning

I've neglected my blog recently. I have been wanting to get all three of these kids outdoors, in cute outfits, with the fall colors and do a little photo shoot... but life seems to be getting in the way! I have been busy with photography. But I am getting shots of many other families, just not my own. In fact, I need at least half a day to sit down and upload all of the recent photos I have taken. I love this hobby! I just don't have a lot of time for it these days. :)
Life has been busy, a little hard, a good too. Hazel and Willem both came down with something last week. Please pray for health for our family.
I will be back soon with pictures of these kids!
I love these fall days -- the colors, the crispness... the boys and I have enjoyed some really fun bike rides too!
Have a great day... I will be back!

Cheers to 2025!

 Life is cruising right along.  Through 2024 I realized I was following behind in the technology world. There seemed to be no way for to ade...