Monday, July 30, 2012

Monday Morning update

We've been busy! We had a fantastic weekend of baseball. Beautiful weather, exciting games, lots of fun for Willem and Hazel too...
Merit had a really good weekend of playing. All Stars is now over, he will play a little more baseball with a different team but our baseball schedule will slow down quite a bit.

Ellie, Hazel and Willem having fun

I'd like two or three days of just staying at home. Our house has been neglected as we have been spending lots and lots of time watching baseball! ... this week won't be super busy, but we still have several things going on. Willem starts swim lessons today! :)  I broke a tooth last week. Woke up with a piece of my tooth missing! Must have swallowed it. I guess I am grinding during the night. So, Tuesday afternoon I will be getting that fixed.

Today is my dad's Birthday! I can hardly believe it is already July 30th!

I love summer days and we will enjoy this last month!

Our three! :)

Enjoy your week!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Summer of the Heart

Oh how I LOVE summer days.
This past week was especially relaxing and fun.
A whole week with no baseball, lots of water park fun, great times with friends, good stuff.
I am soaking up all of these moments, but I will admit my heart is very heavy at times.
This has been a summer of the heart.
Natasha and I have both gone in for echocardiograms. Lesha, Matt and Phil will hopefully go in over the next few months.
Both of our echos were abnormal, but different from eachothers. I have mitral valve prolapse. A somewhat common valve condition and usually not serious. I was most likely born with it. Probably no medication is needed, not at this point anyway. A cardiologist will share more info with me. Natasha has a dilated left ventricle and is experiencing irregular beating. She is very aware of the irregular beating and it is annoying and it's also a constant reminder that her heart has an issue. I pray that her condition is not progressive and I pray that the medication she just started will stop the premature or irregular beats. She has been faced with loss, obstacles, lots of stuff that can cause worry and a heavy heart.
When discouraged, I can't forget the power of prayer. God is listening and I need to be praying. I am so thankful for Natasha's faith.

On a positive note, my heart has never loved as much as it is today. I love the Lord. I love these kids. And time spent with them! I love getting to know their friends, I have loved making memories with my friends and family, I love having Vance back home after his Alaska trip. My heart is very happy.
I am hoping to make memories with family in Lynden in August too.
Before any of this came up, Lesha bought tickets to the HEART concert. Appropriate, isn't it?

Lunch at DQ.

Maddie and Hazel, two girls I love

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Baseball State

The baseball state tourney was pretty incredible. It was three days
of great baseball, laughter, warm weather and fun.
Our team played really hard. The intensity I see in Merit is really something. He cares a lot about his performance during every game. He works really hard. This team is made up of a great group of kids.

 Awesome hit Merit!

Willem and Hazel have so much fun with all of their buddies.
The siblings of the All Stars have formed some neat friendships and really play well together.

Merit and Leo

Coach Jaime gets a "bath"

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Summer Beauty

Our yard is far from perfect, but there is a lot of beauty in it. On these VERY hot days (and yes it is very hot, 100 - 106 degrees) I like to enjoy the outdoors first thing in the morning or in the evenings.

Vance found a hummingbird caught in a spider's web yesterday.
He helped it free, gave it some water and shady spot... but the little bird didn't make it.

The All Star team had great practices last night and tonight. Even in this heat, they played so well. We are excited for state this coming weekend!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

So much to be thankful for...

My brother Matt visited this past weekend. It was fun to have him here.
On Saturday we went to our friend Lisa's new home. She has a peaceful, beautiful place out in the country. I am so happy for her. It was wonderful to get an afternoon and evening visiting with friends.
Today I am so thankful for Merit's compassionate heart. Some of the conversations I have with this boy make my heart smile.
I am so thankful that Merit and Willem have been playing catch together and getting along so well while doing it. These boys have very different interests, so watching them play catch has been so fun. Merit is teaching Willem all sorts of things about baseball.
I am so thankful for Willem's spirit!
I am thankful for Hazel's spunk!
I am thankful for my loving husband.

Willem wrote this with sticks at one of Merit's games. :)

front yard fun

Nellie, Willem and Wyatt
Nellie makes a good foot rest.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...