Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day of School!

 Hazel had to get in on the first day of school action!!

Our third grader and our kindergartener!!!
They were both excited to go!! They have very kind teachers and look forward
to a wonderful year.
Willem is already home (half day kinder). He loved it!

Ohhhhh, it was quiet just Hazel and I at home! But fun.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


On a hot summer day, the boys love their own version of WIPEOUT!!

Oh summer... today I think you should stay!

Monday, August 29, 2011

The last few days of summer break

The front yard was transformed into a Wipe Out course a few days this past week. Watching these boys race through the course was hilarious. They asked me to be the announcer. Getting creative and goofy is just up my alley. They placed two slip and slides in a row, had obstacles, jumped over an exercise ball and dumped buckets of water on eachother. An excellent way to cool off on a hot summer day.
I haven't uploaded any pictures yet, but will soon.
Riding motorcycles has been another fun summer activity.I like living out in the country where these boys have room to ride.

These two will start school Wednesday. Merit will be a third grader and Willem a kindergartener! I am not
sure I am ready for this. I love having these kids home. God has helped me embrace every aspect of being a stay at home mom. It feels so good.
Life is busy and never dull. There are days that are challenging and many that are rewarding.
Even though having these kids home is wonderful, I am excited for Merit and Willem to start this school year. I have a feeling they are going to have a great year. I know there is lots to learn and there are friends to be made. :)
At the beginning of each school year, I miss being in the classroom just a bit. But the great thing is, I can be a part of education through my children. Also, it is time for me to take a couple more classes so that I can keep my teaching certificate current. I plan to sign up for one or two online courses in September. It would be beneficial to study something that can help me with the current stage my kids are at.
ohhhhhh, we went to Idaho for the weekend.
We experienced Silverwood for the first time! It was fun!!
The rides were great. The waterpark had a lot of cool stuff but the lines were LONG!
The kids had a ball.
Now two more days of summer break. Lazy mornings and laughter... I need to soak it up.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

oh what a summer!

 Chubby Bunny... have you played chubby bunny? See how many marshmallows you can fit in your mouth and say chubby bunny. Natasha, Lane, Merit and Willem were fighting for the title of champion. Now I can't even remember who won... must have been Natasha. She was laughing so hard she was crying.

um, I am not sure when the last time was we all laughed so hard
Play Chubby Bunny at your next family get together.
Or use it as an icebreaker with new friends.

Willem, Merit and Lane
Ketchikan Memories 2011

More of our time in Lynden

Merit and Aunt Janis

Aunt Janis is a kick in the pants.
I have many fun memories with her as a young girl!
She was creating some fun memories with my kids and Jackson last Friday.

I think Hazel needs a baby doll stroller.
She loved playing with the one at Grandma and Janis'

Jackson and Hazel

Me, Grandma Alma and Lesha


Luke and Merit
oh the fun!!
Kristen, Lesha and me

These three!! Hanging out in the yard with these guys is a great way to spend a summer day.

Hazel and her mower

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The LYNDEN FAIR and more

Last week the kids and I made a trip to Lynden. These three were excellent travelers and we had a busy, fun filled time there.
Connecting with Lissa and her family, Kristen and her girls and getting time with cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents was really nice. We saw so many people and wish we could have seen more. It was great.
The Lynden Fair is fabulous! Clean, beautiful, great entertainment. The kids and I had a great day spending all day Thursday up in Lynden at the the fair. That night Matt, Lesha, Kristen and I enjoyed Tanya Tucker! What a fun evening with lots of giggling!!

These two... born one day apart just like their mamas.
Lissa has been there with me through thick and thin.
I now love watching these two and their friendship as it grows.

Merit, Willem, Emma and Thea
I love the fun these guys have!

Cousins and buddies!
Amara and Willem

Kaelene and Merit
These two had a BALL Thursday!!
We love time spent with the DeBies!

Kaelene and Merit loved doing the rides together.

Keziah and Willem

Kristen and Kyrie!

My brother in law Rob working the Lynden PTA booth

 Emily, Merit, Luke and Abby --- cousins and friends

Spending an evening with these three is good for the mood!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

More of Alaska

Knitting, reading and writing letters on the dock.
I jumped up to get a picture of Natasha soaking it all in.

Rubbermaid tote baths in the sauna!!
Hazel was so content up there.

Reese, the fly fishing master

Thank God for family.

Chilly days, good days

 7 degrees, 14 degrees ..... Gosh these days are chilly but the sunshine is glorious! Each day little ice crystals for on the Russian Olives...