Monday, May 20, 2024





Saturday, April 27, 2024


The baseball game Tuesday in Wenatchee was a letdown, but the drive home was not! I captured these beauties in Quincy --

And I had so much fun at White Trail Produce, a gift shop, produce stand and coffee shop near Crescent Bar.

The baseball games last night - celebrating senior night - resulted in two wins! The second game going into extra innings!! It was super exciting. 

Senior night was pretty special. Bittersweet for sure. 

I taught third grade and second grade this week and loved it!
Vance has the pasture looking great. 
Our horses are happy. 
Willem had three baseball games, Oren had a game, and Hazel had a track meet. I could not attend Hazel's track meet because I was at Oren's baseball game, but Vance went. Hazel did well. 

Vance is planning a little Alaska trip.

Merit moved out of his apartment today!! They leave for play off baseball in AZ on Monday! I would love to be there. But there are lots of things happening this week "at home" too - great things. Merit is happy to have made the travel squad for play offs but bummed that a few of his closest buddies did not. 
Merit has not been utilized as much as he would like maybe. But he has been put in in some close games and has done well. He has met all sorts of people through this and the beaches near Irvine, well, he has loved them!

We received a letter informing us that Willem will receive at least one scholarship. The evening of May 8 we will attend the scholarship evening. 


Sunday, April 21, 2024

Weekend Highlights!


Stunning couples! 

A gorgeous evening! 

Willem and Raegen!

Yesterday was the baseball parade and opening ceremonies!

SO many people! A gorgeous day for this! 

Friday night the varsity team played in Davis/ A tough battle! 

It's been a busy weekend! 

Now time for a little TV or a book! 


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Wild Will

 When Merit was a senior, I had all the feels. 

Now that Willem is a senior, I have all those feels but they are intensified. 

Because now I know, when this young adult leaves our home, their new life starts and it includes us less. It's exciting, it's a little sad, it's wonderful, it's a fracture to our family. 

Willem required so little sleep as an infant and toddler. He stopped napping at probably 18 months. He started diving out of his crib before he was one. I have spent an incredible amount of time with this kid! (For that I am so very grateful) He was with me so much - still is- but I have to split that time with several other awesome people in his life!  and once his sports started, I went to nearly every single game and tournament. 

Willem sobbed when I brought him to pre-school. Nothing was better than hanging out with mom, exploring over 10 acres, fishing, begging to picnic on a 28 degree day (no lie, and we did) and just running wild. I drove a station wagon at that time. One day on the way to pre-school, he unbuckled himself out of his car seat and he crawled into the way back of the car. I pulled into Happy Hearts Preschool, opened the hatch back and dragged him out! Parents mouths were agape. 

The second year of pre-school, he loved it but loved getting home even more. 

When we sent him to kindergarten, I thank the good Lord it was half days then. He did fine. 

School has come easily to this very bright kid. 

He is a math whiz. 

He participated in Math Is Cool as a fifth grader. We went to the competition in Wenatchee. Willem confessed later that he joined Math Is Cool as much for the math challenge as he did the Little Caesars pizza that was served on competition day. 

Vance enjoys working with Willem. Willem quickly observes what needs to be done and does it efficiently. 

Merit is very much on his own. He has his own life, his own plans, his own dreams. 

We gave him wings, it is really the best thing you can give a kid, wings and faith. Merit does not know what he will do for sure next year. He just told me he prays often and knows the clarity will come. I pray often too. 

So, Wild Will will move out in September - the plan so far is to go to Walla Walla. I pray he thrives, there is a great chance he will. We will miss him incredibly. 

These kids grow fast! We can't slow it down; we can only soak it up! And I do. Every. Single. Day.

For all of you who have invested in Willem, I thank you. We have the most WONDERFUL village!